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Get me one of these books and I'll be your loyal friend for life (see below for my email address if you're actually considering the idea - not that I'm expecting you to)... ====================--> A Rainbow de Palavras </ title> <$ BlogMetaData $> <estilo type = "text / css "> Body (margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; min-width: 760px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: # 3388EE; font-size: 12px; background - cor: tartaruga; background-image: url (http://cbimg9.com/layouts/08/05/27897ae.jpg); antecedentes de ligação: fixo; background-position: inferior esquerdo; fundo de repetir: não repeti - ;) Td (font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: left;). Tanggalpost (font-size: 11px; font-weight: negrito; text-align: direito; carta-espaçamento: 1px;). judulpost (font-size: 14px; font-weight: negrito; background-color: # 99BBEE; color: # 3388EE;). isipost (text-align: justificar; padding: 2px; ). Bawahpost (font-size: 10px; estilo da fonte: itálico; text-align: direito; padding: 2px;). Judulkanan (font-size: 13px; font-weight: negrito; altura: 20px; color: # 3388EE ; Text-align: direito; padding-top: 5px; background-color: # 99BBEE;) a: link, uma: ativa, uma: visitou (color: # 33BBEE; text-decoration: blur;) um: pairar (texto - decoração: sublinhar;) (Lista li-style-position: fora; lista de estilo-tipo: quadrado;). isikanan (padding: 2px 15px 2px 2px;) texto, entrada, escolha, opção, botão (font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial; background-color: # 99BBEE; color: # 6666EE; font-size: 10px; fronteira: 0px solid # FFFFFF;) img (border: 0px none;). Atasheader (background-color: # 99BBEE; altura: 30px; color: # 3388EE; font-size: 2em; font-weight: negrito; text-align: center; vertical-align: média; padding: 2px;). bawahheader (background-color: # 99BBEE; altura: 30px; color: # 3388EE; estilo da fonte: itálico; text-align: center; vertical-align: média; padding: 2px;). 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text-align: left"><ul> <li>Snakehead</li> <li>Morning is a Long Time Coming</li> <li>Baby Blue</li> <li>Incarceron</li> <li>The Fighting Pit</li> <li>The Hunting Forest</li> <li>City of Flowers</li> <li>A Small Person Far Away</li> <li>Bombs on Aunt Dainty</li> <li>The Other Way Round</li> <li>The Time Withces</li> <li>The Wild West Withches</li> <li>Inkheart</li> <li>Inkspell</li> <li>Inkdeath</li> <li>Heartsongs</li> <li>Midnight's Choice</li> <li>The Princess Bride</li> <li>1984</li> <li>Wild Blood</li> <li>The Magic Faraway Tree</li> <li>The Folk of the Faraway Tree, <li>The Faraway Tree Stories</li> <li>Old Magic</li> <li>The Notebook</li> <li>Friendship According to Humphrey</li> <li>Necropolis: City of the Dead</li> <li>Wicked of the West</li> <li>The Greek Who Stole Christmas</li> <li>When Santa Fell to Earth</li> <ul>...and lots more...</ul> </ul> </tr> </td> <tr> <td class="judulkanan">Links</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" class="isikanan"> <ul> <li><a href= "http://www.glowmay.blogspot.com">Home</a></li> <li><a href="mailto:glowmay@yahoo.co.uk">Email me!</span> <ul> <li> Snakehead </ li> <li> Manhã é demorado bastante tempo a chegar </ li> <li> Baby Blue </ li> <li> Incarceron </ li> <li> O Rodeio Pit </ li > <li> A Caça Floresta </ li> <li> Cidade das Flores </ li> <li> Um pequeno Pessoa Far Away </ li> <li> Bombas a tia Dainty </ li> <li> A outra maneira Rodada </ li> <li> O Tempo Withces </ li> <li> O Wild West Withches </ li> <li> Inkheart </ li> <li> Inkspell </ li> <li> Inkdeath </ li> <li> Heartsongs </ li> <li> Midnight's Choice </ li> <li> A Princesa Noiva </ li> <li> 1984 </ li> <li> Wild Blood </ li> <li> O Magic Distante Árvore </ li> <li> As Folk Distante da Árvore, <li> A Árvore Distante Stories </ li> <li> Old Magic </ li> <li> O Caderno </ li> <li> Amizade Segundo a Humphrey </ li> <li> Necrópole: Cidade dos Mortos </ li> <li> malvados do Ocidente </ li> <li> O grego Quem roubou Natal </ li> <li> Quando a Terra Santa Fell < / li> <ul> ... e muito mais ...</ ul> </ ul> </ tr> </ td> <tr> <td class="judulkanan"> Ligações </ td> </ tr > <tr> <td Valign="top" class="isikanan"> <ul> <li> <a href= "http://www.glowmay.blogspot.com"> Home </ a> </ li> <li> <a href="mailto:glowmay@yahoo.co.uk"> Email me!</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; 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